Top tips on how to write Compelling Sales Emails

compelling sales emails

Top tips on how to write Compelling Sales Emails

How to Write a Compelling Sales Email


Sales emails are a great way to get more leads. however, they need to be well written in order to be compelling enough to convert to sales.


If your email campaigns aren’t converting into enquires once in a while, then you are not making the best of your mailing lists. So, in order to write an effective sales email, you need to make sure that it is well-written and compelling. The four components of a great sales email are:

  1. The subject line
  2. The opening paragraph
  3. The body of the email
  4. The call to action.

Lets take these in order and dive a little deeper


1. The subject line

The subject line is the most important part of the sales email, as it’s what will get the recipient to open the email in the first place. It should be short, to the point, and include a benefit for the recipient.

2. The opening paragraph

The opening paragraph should be equally short, and it should introduce the product or service in a way that’s relevant to the recipient.

3. The body of the email

The body of the email should provide more information about the product or service, and why it would be beneficial for the recipient. It should also address any objections the recipient might have.

4. The call to action

The call to action should be clear and direct, and it should tell the recipient exactly what they need to do in order to take advantage of the offer.

By following these four steps, you can write a sales email that will get more leads and convert more prospects into customers. However as everyone knows there are also some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind when creating sales emails

Do’s and Don’ts When Writing a Compelling Sales Email


When it comes to writing a sales email, there are a few do’s and don’ts to keep in mind. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when writing a sales email:

– Do personalize your email. Add the recipient’s name, company, or other information that will make the email feel more personalized.

– Do make sure that your email has a strong subject line. Your subject line should be something that will grab the attention of your reader. You want to make sure that your subject line is something that they will want to click on and read more.

– Do focus on the benefits of your product or service. What can it do for the recipient? You want to make sure that your email is relevant to the person who you are sending it to. You don’t want to send an email about your latest product to someone who is not interested in that product.

– Do make sure that your email is interesting. You want to make sure that your email is something that your reader will want to read. You don’t want to send an email that is boring or uninteresting.

– Do make it easy to read – clear and concise. Use short paragraphs and sentences, and include bullet points when possible. The last thing you want is for your email to be confusing or difficult to read.

– Do include a Clear call to action. What do you want the recipient to do after reading your email?

– Don’t be too sales-y. Your email should sell your product or service, but it shouldn’t be all about the sale.

– Do include a clear easy-to-follow unsubscribe button. Make it easy for people to unsubscribe if not you will only annoy people.

– Don’t send emails to often, it can seem pushy and annoying

– Don’t forget to proofread. A well-written email is important, but so is making sure there are no typos or grammatical errors.

Oh and by the way – If your email is ignored, don’t give up! Try sending it again or reaching out to the prospect in a different way. You could also try a different sales tactic altogether.

By following these tips, you can write a compelling sales email that will get more leads. If you are doing email marketing then make sure you get our Email Check List

For help with your email marketing then contact us on 0113 465 5555

Read more on out Business-to-Business data, guide on buying mailing lists and our email marketing services.

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