Five tips on getting more leads from direct mail

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Five tips on getting more leads from direct mail

How to get more leads from direct mail


Direct mail is often overlooked yet it can be one of the most effective ways to Get More Leads for Your Business

Not only is it still relevant in today’s digital age, but it is a crucial approach that your business should embrace.

As Data Brokers, we understand there are many advantages to promoting your business using direct mail.

  1. Direct mail stands out and gets you noticed.
  2. It’s a welcome break from all those emails and online ads.
  3. Research shows that 42% of people who receive direct mail will open and read it!
  4. Direct mail can open doors. Prospects are more likely to be receptive to a telephone call once they have received a direct mailing.
  5. The best thing about Direct Mail is that it is trackable. The results can be easily measured

Remember direct mailing, email and telemarketing are not mutually exclusive, and when planned correctly, can work very well together.

Call us on 01274 965411 and let us help you get ahead of the competition Get More Leads for Your Business

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