OK So summer time is nearly here …This can be a time when sales start to slow down for companies.. while people are relaxing on a beach marketing must go on!!
As such I’ve come up with 10 ways to keep on top of your marketing and increase your sales this summer…
1.Contact your existing clients
Your customers are your most valuable resource as they already know like and trust you. So contact your customers frequently give them reasons to come back and do business with you. Also let them know of the other products and services you offer, this can sometimes be overlooked.
2.Set up a referrals campaign
Regularly ask you customers for referrals, tell them who your ideal customers are and then ask them to refer you to their friend’s family and colleagues – you never know who knows who and that important customer may just be a friend of a friend.
3.Know your best customers.
Analyse the similarities or demographics of your ideal customers. For Business to Business (B2B) it may be the contact, company type, size and location. For Consumer (B2C) it may be age, location, gender, hobbies or interests. This will help you to be more targeted when purchasing a prospect list you want one thats like your most profitable customers.
4.Purchase a targeted list of your best potential customers.
Purchase targeted Business to Business (B2B) or consumer list of your ideal customers. This will save you time and money searching for information from the internet, directories or membership books. Plus a purchased list will ensure you comply with data protection and the Telephone Preference Service ( TPS) / Corporate Telephone Preference service.
5.Keep your marketing material up to date
Review your marketing material – Your brochures, websites or advertisements – what worked a year ago may not be compelling or relevant now, so have a look and if necessary rewrite your existing marketing literature.
Always ask the question if I were the customer would I buy? Include a call to action. Tell people clearly and as simple as possible exactly what you want them to do: call today; visit our website; order now.
Go to networking events where your ideal customers are likely to attend, perhaps an industry specific event, join an association, go to an exhibition or members event. Be targeted with your networking t me and go only where your ideal customers are likely to be. Follow up with the people you meet.
7.Do a regular Direct Mailing campaign
Direct mail still works. Purchase a targeted Business to Business (B2B) or consumer list of your ideal customers and do a series of direct mailing campaigns, introduce your business, seasonal changes or provide a special offer. Frequency is key, so make sure you create a direct mail schedule and stick with it.
8.Follow up with Telephone call
Follow up on your direct mail or email campaign with a telephone call. If you don’t want to do it yourself then why not use our Tele Mail Service. We will provide 1000 records of your ideal customer, design and broadcast a sales email, then make a follow up telephone to the prospects who have opened the email and either: arrange a meeting or advise you of their future needs.
9. Keep a Track of Everything
Keep a record of when and where your prospect and customers found your details – Website, direct mail, referral – analyze the results and allocate your budget to the resource that’s proving to be the most successful. Also say thank you for referrals.
10. Follow Up
Follow up and don’t give up. Keep yourself in front of your prospects with call, emails newsletters. You can increase your sales by improving your follow up.
Above all take action now and keep in top of your marketing…
If you need any more information then please call Joanne on 01274 483936 or email joanne@databubble.co.uk for more information